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Estonian days of Geologists 2022

⛏ Estonian days of Geologists 2022 ⛏

On July 30, took part in the days of geologists organized by the Estonian Geological Society in a wonderful place in the south of Estonia Palutaja küla.

It was a pleasure to be in the company of well-known, active and respected scientists and representatives of industry associated with the geosciences, mining and ecology of Estonia, as well as officials of ministries (Ministry of Economics and Communications Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium, TalTech – Tallinna TehnikaülikoolTalTech Geoloogia Instituut – Tallinn University of Technology, University of TartuGeoloogia osakond – Tartu Ülikool, Tallinn University, Eesti Geoloogiateenistus – Geological Survey of Estonia, engineering bureau Steiger – Inseneribüroo Steiger and other companies and institutes).

Made a unique animated presentation: presented our new start-up based on TalTech – a new consulting company SHOGenergy consulting. I spoke about our extraordinary, exclusive expertise in the field of CO2 geological storage, energy storage, a synergy of various types of new renewable energy technologies and circular economy, etc. And also about the technology of geological storage of CO2, issues related to CO2 emissions, underground storage of hydrogen – “geological Power-Bank” and a new concept for increasing the productivity of the geological facility for storing energy and CO2 and transforming the project to reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate the climate change in a business project.

Colleagues and other listeners showed great interest in the topic and asked a lot of interesting questions.