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New technology for exploration of geo-resources using satellites and NMR – INSIDE EARTH

Starting in 2022, SHOGenergy is a commercial partner of the INSIDE EARTH project, which offers new-generation geo-resources exploration (oil, gas, geothermal energy) and structural studies (for example, investigation of geological structures for energy (H2) or CO2 and natural gas storage, or for radioactive wastes storage).

According to our expertise, SHOGenergy is responsible for mapping deep geological structures prospective for Geothermal energy and Underground Storage of Gases (methane, CO2, and H2) and Radioactive Wastes Storage.

Remote diagnostics and sensing of the Earth (RDSE) with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a physical phenomenon that provides analytical data on the type, number, and arrangement of atoms in chemical systems, liquids, and solids.

The nuclei of atoms are perturbed by a special type of magnetic field which induces the production of an electromagnetic signal with a frequency characteristic of the magnetic field in the nucleus: i.e., a trace of the exact type of substance.

How does it work?

1. Satellite Images Very high-resolution analogue photography, taken from space.
2. Atomic Spectrum Preparation of test plates for recording the spectra of substances.
3. NMR in Labs Gel plates are irradiated to determine the precise location, depth, thickness, pressure, porosity, reserves, and more about the quality of the substance deposits.
4. Business Data Creation of high-quality business data maps and diagrams for clients.

About the process


Geo exploration areas


-Very short and reduced delivery times Reduce to 2 months
– Reduce direct and indirect costs No more environmental permitting procedures, incidents with locals, regulations, and much more before knowing the potential commercial value of the deposits.
-Increase in reserves & accident prevention Increased mineral and hydrocarbon reserves to sustain operational growth and strategic objectives. Accident prevention, with all that it entails for human lives and your operations.

3D Seismic Exploration vs RDSE-NMR




1-2 years (seismic)


>90% & 2 months (RDSE-NMR)

3D Seismic Exploration vs RDSE-NMR Technology, physical principle, method


SkyGeoExploreNova_SGEN-METHODOLOGY_ver4(CO2, Hydrocarbons, Minerals, Geothermal)



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Please contact us and express your exploration needs. 100% we will find the best option and will make a suitable price offer for you according to your needs!