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NetZero 2050: Industry Present and Future Prospects in Lithuania

On 24th of November, the cement factory in Lithuania, AB Akmenės cementas, gathered an audience of industry, government, scientists, and partners for the joint event “NetZero 2050: Industry Present and Future Prospects in Lithuania”. The event discussed the implementation of the European Green Deal initiatives in Lithuania. Participants included:

  • Industry: AB Akmenės cementas, AB Klaipėdos nafta, AB Orlean Lietuva, UAB Minijos nafta, AB Achema, AB Naujasis Kalcitas, AB Amber Grid
  • Institutions: Confederation of Lithuania Industrialists, Akmenė district municipality, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Geological Survey, Innovation Agency of Lithuania, Schlumberger New Energy
  • Experts: Dr. Alla Shogenova (SHOGenergy & TalTech), Mayur Pal (KTU), Ignas Vaičeliūnas (UAB Minijos nafta), Saulius Šliaupa and Rasa Šliaupienė (Nature Research Center)

Dr. Alla Shogenova, senior researcher at TalTech Geology Institute and Director of Research at SHOGenergy, made an online presentation:
“The Role of CCUS in Reaching Carbon Neutrality in Lithuania: Possible Scenarios”