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Invited speaker at METU by SPE Turkey Section students chapter

Invited speaker at METU by SPE Turkey Section students chapter

Right after an important event in Madrid (active participation at the EAGE 2022 Conference and Exhibition as an oral presenter, chairman of the session and extended abstracts reviewer), Dr Kazbulat Shogenov, the researcher at TalTech (TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology) and CEO of SHOGenergy consulting company™️, visited with lectures and seminars the most famous and the most important technical university in Turkey – METU – Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), Department of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering.

This educational event was co-organized by the SPE (International Society of Petroleum Engineers, Turkish section students chapter at METU (SPE METU Student Chapter) and supported by the European program – Erasmus+ “Teachers International Mobility” – exchange between universities projects.

METU is a pioneer of high-quality university education in Turkey and introduced new methods and innovations in research to the Turkish higher education system.
METU ranks #1 among over 200 Turkish universities. The Petroleum Department is playing a crucial role in the estimation, production and sustainable use of Turkish underground resources.
Its laboratories are the only ones that provide an important estimation of the quality of national fuel in Turkey.

Hot research topics of Kazbulat Shogenovs’ lecture- CCUS (CO2 capture, use and geological storage) and Underground Hydrogen energy Storage (UHS) are on the list of the departments’ interests and under consideration of the Turkish government

More than 60 students participated in the lectures of Dr Shogenov “Synergy of CCUS and renewable energy for a carbon-neutral future” and a new seminar for the SPE students: “CO2 and Hydrogen storage site marketing: How to make your storage site unique and attractive?”
Students asked very interesting questions showing their advanced knowledge of geotechnology basics.

The main topic of the new hot SPE seminar was the conceptual strategy for underground energy storage site upgrade to make the project attractive for the public, enterprises, governments and policymakers, by creating win-win situations with more than 6 x win situations within the project. The seminar aimed to help future oil industry businessmen to start to think different, developing attractive unconventional solutions for fossil fuels or other energy sources and storage sites business models.

I would like to thank the ERASMUS+ EU mobility program for financial support and METU Professor Dr Çağlar Sınayuç- the head of the Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering and Assistance Professor Dr Betul Yildirims for the hospitality at METU

Our Estonian and Turkish research groups are cooperating for a long time within common projects and scientific networks.

We also discussed further plans for future cooperation in the scientific field between universities and student exchanges and possible business models between our new company SHOGenergy and the department.

Special appreciation goes to SPE Turkish section students chapter ( leaders and members for seminar organization and their scientific interest in the research topic.