Opinion about the Nuclear power plant in Estonia on ETV+
Opinion about the Nuclear power plant in Estonia on ETV+ Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov shared his opinion about the crazy idea of building a nuclear power plant in Estonia and about…
Opinion about the Nuclear power plant in Estonia on ETV+ Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov shared his opinion about the crazy idea of building a nuclear power plant in Estonia and about…
Circextin project meeting Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov and Dr. Alla Shogenova (representing TalTech) took part in the mid-term progress meeting (02.12.22) of the European project “Strategic partnership for fostering circular economy…
Together with Co-Initiators AI4Good and KI Bundesverband, ekipa conducted the AI & Data Science Innovation Program, in which the digital generation consisting of students, researchers and start-ups was called upon…
On 23-26 October Dr. Alla Shogenova (director of research at SHOGenergy) took part in the E2DT 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & DIGITAL TRANSITION in Milan, Italy. The conference…
PLACE: STARHOTEL ROSA GRAND MILANO Piazza Fontana 3, Milan DATES: 23-26.10.2022 THE DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS February 15, 2022 ShogEnergy participation (Oral presentation and publication):- Shogenova A., Shogenov…
Starting in 2022, SHOGenergy is a commercial partner of the INSIDE EARTH project, which offers new-generation geo-resources exploration (oil, gas, geothermal energy) and structural studies (for example, investigation of geological…
Dr. Alla Shogenova and Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov made scientific presentations at the annual Baltic Carbon Forum in Kaunas (Lithuania) representing TalTech and Shogenergy company. 👨🏫 Alla Shogenova made an on-site…
Location: Kaunas, Lithuania Dates: 13-14.10.2022 13-14 October, Baltic Carbon Forum – Annual Conference 2022 (baltic-carbon-forum.com) ShogEnergy participation: 13. Oct. Alla Shogenova: Chairing Opening Session13. Oct. Alla Shogenova: Speaker of Session…
On the 7th of October 2022, Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov (representing Shogenergy consulting company) and Dr. Alla Shogenova (representing TalTech University) participated in the first working meeting (in Brussels) of the…
The Kick-off meeting of the new Horizon Europe project CCUS ZEN (Zero Emission Network to facilitate CCUS uptake in the industry) coordinated by SINTEF (Norway) took place on 28-29 September…