Satellite Exploration of Earth Resources Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Phenomenon technology. Saudi presentation 2023

On 19-23 March 2023, Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov (the Founder and CEO of SHOGenergy company and Research Scientist (Petrophysicist and CCUS expert) at TalTech-Tallinn University of Technology, participated in meetings with…

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Read more about the article <strong>Nomination for Science Communication Coordinator and Grant Awarding Coordinator (Transmit project, COST action)</strong>
With the project Transmit coordinator Anna Skorek-Osikowska, Associate Professor in Silesian University of Technology (Department of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery)

Nomination for Science Communication Coordinator and Grant Awarding Coordinator (Transmit project, COST action)

Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov was nominated and elected as Science Communication Coordinator within the TRANSmit project (Techno-economic analysis of carbon mitigation technologies) and as Grant Awarding Coordinator in the newly established…

Continue ReadingNomination for Science Communication Coordinator and Grant Awarding Coordinator (Transmit project, COST action)